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Earth Day 2024
Earth Day - Questions to the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Minister

How we've helped this month
Every month I look back at how my team has helped people in the constituency with their individual issues and policy questions or ideas....

Homes for Ukraine Extension Debate
Very shortly the Ukrainian people will have seen a war in their country for nearly two years. Many UK citizens have generously opened...

Halifax Bank closure Otley
I have been advised that the Otley branch of Halifax will be closing, however, I was pleased to hear that some face to face services will...

The experience of Ukrainians in Leeds
Along with organising a ‘Welcome’ event for new Ukrainian residents and their host families, I’ve been doing what I can to help...

My objection to the Headingley McDonald’s application
Alex Sobel MP Response to 22/05396/FU 4 Otley Road 13th September 2022 1) The proposed placement of the Mcdonald’s is in the centre of...

Action on the Otley Run
The Otley Run has been a fixture in our community for many years now. We are quite used to seeing young people in fancy dress making...

Alex Sobel calls for immediate Government action on spiralling energy costs.
Alex Sobel MP and his colleagues in the Labour Party are calling on the Government to cut VAT on domestic fuel bills as an immediate aid...

Reduction in community debt debate
During the Reduction in Community Debt debate, I expressed my disappointment that the additional MaPS (Money and Pensions Service) Debt...
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