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Coronavirus Advice

General Coronavirus Advice

For the latest general health advice from the NHS please visit

Advice on Self-Isolating

If you develop any symptoms related to Coronavirus you will need to self-isolate along with anyone you live with. Do not visit your GP surgery or hospital.  More advice at

As well as looking after your physical health it is really important to look after your mental health as well.

Advice for, Employed, Self-employed, zero hour contract workers.

If you are employed and earn more than £118 per week.

Emergency legislation has been introduced so that SSP will be paid from the first day of illness.

If you are self-employed currently the Government are advising if you are unable to work you should claim universal credit.

Some zero hours contract workers will be entitled to statutory sick pay if not you are should apply for universal credit.

Advice on Home Care (in Leeds)

Advice on travel

Non-essential travel outside the UK is now not advised.

If you have a trip abroad booked or need advice regarding travelling abroad or if you are currently abroad see

Advice on Schools/Colleges and Universities

Schools, Nurseries, Colleges and Universities in England will close on the 20th March to all children except those of key workers and children with an Educational Health Care Plan.

Schools will have the flexibility to provide meals or vouchers to children eligible for free school meals in the short term and a government voucher scheme will be put in place shortly.

All exams are cancelled and I will update via my website when more information is available.

Advice for businesses


In the past few days there has been widespread panic buying leaving supermarket shelves empty and customers finding it difficult to buy goods such as tinned products, pasta, soap, toilet paper, nappies and baby formula. The supermarkets have repeated said there is no need for anyone to buy in bulk and if people just buy what they need now there is plenty to go around.

Supermarkets are now bringing in restrictions to stop people bulk buying which will hopefully. But by buying more than required and effectively stock piling, it has a hugely negative effect on people not in a position financially able to do so, such as the elderly.

Please shop responsibly.

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