Leeds North West MP Alex Sobel has said he had an “overwhelming response” to a fundraiser for Leeds North and West Food Bank which raised over £25,000 in wake of the city's response to COVID-19.
Opened in 2013, Leeds North and West Food Bank has nine sites across North and West Leeds. It has delivered 12,000 food parcels across the city between 2018 and 2019. With the COVID crisis rising, more and more people are being forced out of work. This means there are increasing numbers of people in our city who are unable to access food and other vital supplies. In response to this, the Foodbank put out an urgent call for donations.
One person to answer the call was local MP Alex Sobel. He put out a call on social media and over his email networks for donations to Leeds North and West Foodbank.
Alex has also been lending a helping hand as a delivery driver from Otley Foodbank during the crisis.
Alex said “When I heard the call out I knew our amazing North Leeds community would step up to the challenge. I’ve had an overwhelming response both on my website and on social media. Leeds North and West Foodbank does incredible work and I’d encourage anyone who can to support this vital institution.
It has also been very fulfilling to help by personally delivering food parcels, I’d like to thank everyone at the Otley food bank for training me up and for all the work they do in helping our community."
Karen Burgon from Leeds North and West Foodbank said “We always need more donations. We were so glad to have a community leader like Alex on board. He has been a great help as a fundraiser. We are so grateful for the generosity of our city. With help from Alex and the people of Leeds we have managed to raise almost £25,000 over the last month.”
You can find out more about Leeds North and West Foodbank, including donating at. - https://leedsnorthandwest.foodbank.org.uk/
See Alex’s message from the foodbank here: https://www.facebook.com/AlexSobelForLeedsNorthWest/videos/695060187970968/