Alex Sobel has welcomed the decision by Leeds City Council to extend the consultation on Leeds Bradford Airport’s plans for a new terminal.
The consultation on the plan was due to be held only until the 15th of June. Alex, who has himself responded to the consultation, raised deep concerns about the complexity and volume of the documentation and the lack of time for people to adequately respond to it.
In response, Leeds City Council have now extended the end of formal consultation until 7th July. This will give a total of over 9 weeks for submission of comments since the application was validated.
Like all local authorities, Leeds City Council has a legal obligation to consider planning applications put before it. To date there have been over 2000 comments on the application.
Alex Sobel said, “I welcome the decision to postpone the deadline and to allow time for more people to assess and comment on the plans before a decision is made by Leeds City Council. The documentation is vast and complex, and it is important for people to be able to hear and access the arguments that are made in favour or against this application. I would hope that this extension comes hand in hand with accessible events for the community to gain an understanding of what is being proposed
I have submitted my objection on the basis that, whilst I have no objection with the modernisation of the building and there are many things within that to support, I simply cannot back a plan that is dependent on an increase in passenger numbers and therefore flight emissions at a time where we should be focusing on and committed to meeting our climate obligations and the industry should be focusing on recovering from the coronavirus pandemic.”