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Net Zero All Party Group officially launched by Leeds MP

Alex Sobel launched his cross-party group to achieve net zero carbon emissions in the UK.

Net zero, otherwise known as carbon neutrality, means achieving net zero carbon dioxide emissions. This can be done by balancing carbon emissions with carbon removal or simply getting rid of carbon emissions altogether.

Alex set up the All Party Parliamentary Group to bring together politicians from across the political divide to try and secure a clean industrial and economic future for the UK. The group will also push the Government to bring forward their commitment to deliver net zero.

Speaking to a packed room of politicians, environmental NGOs and representatives from industry. Alex thanked attendees and stressed the need for decisive action to cut emissions and save our planet.

In 2020 the United Kingdom has a unique opportunity to take decisive leadership to reach net zero globally. At the event both the exchequer member to the secretary Simon Clark MP and Alex Sobel MP both said that the COP Global Climate Conference in Glasgow gave the UK a chance to get a global zero carbon agreement.

“Only if the UK gets on track to Net Zero can it be a world leader in tech, research and manufacturing whilst creating jobs and opportunities. Whilst it is still my opinion that the Government’s pledge to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 is not good enough, and I lament the missed opportunity to achieve net zero by 2030, as recommended by IPCC, we must now focus on the the task at hand. We need a radical shift in government thinking if they are to realise their target, and I think this group is a huge step towards that."


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