A park in the West Park area of Leeds has been nominated in the final stages of the Fields in Trust ‘UK’s Best Park, as voted by YOU! 2017 Award’. West Park, namesake to the area that it sits in is one of over 200 parks across the country nominated for the award with voting open until the 3rd of November.
Local MP Alex Sobel said ‘I am incredibly pleased to see West Park nominated for such a prestigious award. Living near the park myself I often go there with my family. it is incredibly beautiful and an asset to the community. I will be voting for West Park to win the award and I urge residents and visitors to our area to do the same’.
Mr Sobel also highlighted the importance of parks and green spaces in helping people stay active and healthy. He said ‘It is paramount that we continue to protect our local parks to provide a pleasant and safe place where people can take part in sport and exercise. This award is a great step in encouraging people to take advantage of the great parks at their disposal’.
The organisation that hosts the award is Fields in Trust, a national charity that works to protect and safeguard recreational spaces across the UK have recently published research that shows ‘a direct and statistically significant link between publicly accessible parks & green spaces and health and wellbeing.
People are urged to vote before the closing date on Friday the 3rd of November online at www.fieldsintrust.org/bestpark