The volunteers at Wharfedale Hospital have been nominated for the 2019 NHS Parliamentary award due to their ‘outstanding service to the community.’
The volunteers from the Royal Volunteer Service (RVS) were nominated by Local MP Alex Sobel. If they successfully reach the final, they will be invited to a Parliamentary reception at the terrace Pavilion on the 10th July.
Alex Sobel said, “The tea bar at Wharfedale Hospital was a huge comfort to so many visitors and patients over the years. The fact that so many in the community were upset when it was announced that it would be discontinued, shows the impact that they had, not just on patients and visitors to the hospital, but the whole of Otley. It is a great honour to present the volunteers with a certificate of nomination, but I hope that I may have the opportunity to see them presented with the award.”
Ann Walker, RVS volunteer at Wharfedale hospital, says, “it was a great honour to be nominated for this Parliamentary award. We don’t do what we do for the recognition, but it is nice to know that our efforts have been noticed. I’d like to thank Alex for his nomination and I hope we get an opportunity to go to Parliament for the ceremony.”