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Coronavirus update: Thursday 16th April

The total confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in the Leeds area up to 5pm 14 April was 734. The total number of reported deaths of people who tested positive with COVID-19 at LTHT up to 5pm 13 April is 88. Our incredible teams have now been able to care for and discharge safely more than 100 COVID-19 positive patients back to their homes and families.

Furlough scheme extended

I am pleased to report that our campaign to extend the start date for the Furlough scheme has been extended. For many, the cut off date in February meant that those in new employment could not be furloughed. Last month, I wrote to the chancellor to challenge this. I am now delighted to say the date has been extended to the 19th March. See here for more details

Care workers

Tonight, we will be clapping our carers. This is an important signal to them that we appreciate the work that they and other healthcare workers are doing. That said, at the time of writing we are failing as a country to keep these workers, and the facilities they protect, safe from Covid-19. The number of care homes in Leeds with confirmed cases/outbreaks is now 17, with 7 care homes closed and 10 remaining operational with restrictions in place. My office continues to be in contact with care homes in Leeds North West and we are trying where we can to bridge the gap by making contact with those fantastic individuals and businesses who are making protective equipment. If you are someone who can help to provide PPE or a supplier of products such as toilet paper or hand sanitiser, please contact me on

Updated guidance for those with health or medial needs

The government has amended an aspect of the guidance on what you can and can’t do during the lockdown if you need to exercise more than once because of a specific health need.  This follows a legal challenge from two families with children with autism. Section 15 of the guidance now states: You can leave your home for medical need. If you (or a person in your care) have a specific health condition that requires you to leave the home to maintain your health – including if that involves travel beyond your local area – then you can do so. This could, for example, include where individuals with learning disabilities or autism require specific exercise in an open space two or three times each day – ideally in line with a care plan agreed with a medical professional.

Domestic Violence

The police are still continuing to fully support anyone who needs urgent help from domestic abuse by calling 999. Tapping in 55 on the keypad will signal to the call operator that you are in danger, allowing them to send officers to your location. If you are a domestic abuse victim and need to escape your home, support and accommodation are available at LDVS and Leeds Housing Options. Safe spaces are available for you with social distancing measures in place to protect you and your children. See for more details

Temple Green Testing Site

The new testing facilities at Temple Green opened at the end of last week and have been operational over the bank holiday weekend. The target for the fully operational test centre is to get everyone from initial scan of their individual bar code to leaving the site in six minutes.  We now know that independent care sector workers will be included in the testing cohort to support this area of the system, as will staff from children’s services, and other key workers.

Reporting a breach of coronavirus restrictions: The police have been granted additional powers to enforce new Government rules designed to help prevent the spread of coronavirus. To report anything which contravenes those rules the public are being encouraged use the WYP online Breach of Coronavirus Restrictions reporting form, and have reiterated that 999 should only be used if a crime in in progress or there is a threat to life.

Turn2us Coronavirus Grant Fund:  This grant fund has been set up to support people who have lost their income as a result of the Coronavirus to meet the cost of their immediate basic household expenses. It provides a one-off crisis grant of £500 per household. Applicants need to satisfy all of the following criteria: evidence of at least a 50% reduction in earnings, a resident of the UK / Republic of Ireland, not currently in Further or Higher Education, over 18, with less than £1K savings (single person) or less than £2K savings (couple/family). Further information can be found on the turn2us website.

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