Last night’s announcement by the Prime Minister
Last night the Prime Minister announced measures that I and those on the Labour front bench have been calling for. Stay at home. You may only leave home for the following reasons:
Shopping for basic necessities
One form of exercise a day – alone or with members of your household.
Any medical need/ care for vulnerable person
Travelling to and from work, only if absolutely necessary.
Whilst there may still be problems with the interpretation of this guidance, I ask that all of my constituents understand and adhere to the core message and use their common sense. Stay at home, stay healthy and do not give the virus the opportunity to spread.
Get support as a vulnerable person
If you are part of an extremely vulnerable group or if you feel particularly at risk please register yourself for help with the Government at the following link
Benefit reviews
Reviews and reassessments for disability benefits have been suspended for three months. Please find information here:
Business closure
Please find the below guidance on the closure of ‘non-essential’ businesses as part of further social distancing measures:
Coronavirus bill
The Bill passed the House yesterday and the Government accepted the points around Cremations and families will be consulted. There are concerns that the bill enables local authorities to prioritise services and that this may mean that care is rationed and needs are not me in full. We also believe it to be important that the legislation is reviewed every six months given the severe limitations to our way of life. There seems to be no ban on evictions just a delay on them. This does not adequately hear the anxieties of renters from across the country.
Labour has set out to Ministers how this Bill should provide the protections renters need, by banning evictions and suspending rental payments beyond the crisis. Coronavirus is a public health emergency, it need not become a crisis of housing and homelessness too. But this will happen if the Government continues to refuse to take the most basic steps to keep people in their homes
Volunteer information
We have been working with Voluntary Action Leeds to ensure that needs are met in our communities and that those who have contacted us through our volunteer scheme are given appropriate tasks at the best time. Voluntary Action Leeds will be in touch with all of our volunteers individually and we will focus our efforts of being part of co-ordination teams on the ground.
We are here to help
My office phone lines are extremely busy. I have a small team of dedicated staff who are working flat out to help individuals and minimise the effects of coronavirus for the people of Leeds North West. I therefore am asking you to only use our phonelines if you are in urgent need of help. Please use my email wherever possible. It is also important to note that we do not deal with non-compliance issues and to direct complaints of this nature to the police.
And finally- Stay safe- stay at home. Use your common sense. See below video: